Gold mountain baking flour: The Flour for Professional Baking

金山是金⻰⻥旗下,针对专业级用户的高端烘焙粉品牌。2021 年,我们为金山重新定位与设计了品牌,包括推出品牌口号“专业烘焙用金山”,重新设计了品牌标识。全新推出的产品包装,画面捕捉了 专业烘焙师在工作中做面包与蛋糕时听声、闻味、裱花等细节,这些烘焙师熟悉的工作细节能够很快 唤起他们的共鸣。原 LOGO 中的金山图案,则被重新描绘,放到包装的上半部分,形成品牌完整的视 觉体系。所有的细节全部由设计师手绘完成,塑造出专业的品牌格调。

Golden Mountain is a high-end baking powder brand for professional users. In 2021, we repositioned and redesigned the brand for Kingsoft, including launching the brand slogan "Golden Mountain for Professional Baking" and redesigning the brand identity. The newly launched product packaging captures the details of professional bakers' hearing, smelling, and decorating when making bread and cakes at work. The familiar work details of these bakers can quickly arouse their resonance. The golden mountain pattern in the original LOGO has been redrawn and placed in the upper part of the package to form a complete visual system of the brand. All details are hand-painted by the designer, creating a professional brand style.



团队:Rock、Gavin、Long Long

Client:Yihai Kerry Jinlongyu


Team:Rock、 Gavin、Long Long

