Scent Wonderland: ARome Oriental
随着中国年轻一代消费者从基本物质需求向精神消费需求快速转变,香薰品类在中国蓬勃增⻓。当前香薰主要以⻄方品牌为主,中国品牌还屈指可数。我们以东方独特的“道法自然”理念,聚焦“AROME ORIENTAL”这一定位,设计品牌与开发产品。以东方传奇爱情故事“牡丹亭”为创作原点,我们为香气 游园会提炼出双层亭台、竖条纹、鼻烟壶瓶型等品牌视觉符号系统。在产品包装上,品牌Logo设计在了盒子顶部,而正面手绘的牡丹亭以统一的大小与位置成为视觉中心,创造一致性的视觉识别。包装画面采用中国传统国画中“琴弦描”技法绘制,象征香气的部位采用烫金手法突出,形成香气萦绕的美感。从包装、卡片、袋子以及快递物流箱等,所有的物料都聚焦品牌的核心视觉元素进行开发设计,建立出具有强烈东风韵味,与众不同的品牌形象。
With the fast transition of the young consumers from the basic material needs to the spiritual needs, fragrance products have embraced fast growth in China. At present, most fragrance brands are from the West, and there are only a few Chinese brands. Following the unique Oriental philosophy of “observing the law of the nature”, we focus our brands and product R&D on the position of “AROME ORIENTAL”. Inspired by the legendary Oriental love story in The Peony Pavilion, we design the visual signs such as the two-storey pavilion, the vertical stripes, and the snuff bottle for the SCENT WONDERLAND. In the packaging design, the Logo is on the top of the box, and the hand-painted pavilion with the same size is at the center, producing a unified visual recognition. The pattern is painted with the traditional string-like lines, and the design of gilt fragrance creates the sense of emitting fragrance. We design the core visual elements on all materials, including packaging, cards, bags and packaging boxes, creating the strong Oriental flavor and distinctive brand image.
团队:Rock、Tina、Long Long
Client:Shanghai Wanwu Youguang Brand Management Co., Ltd
Team:Rock、Tina、Long Long