
Da Mo Wang: The pioneer of konjac tripe category




The konjac stripe category has grown rapidly in recent years. Damowang( means big monster) is an expert brand of konjac stripe launched by Yanjin Shop, and it is also the first billion-level single product of Yanjin Shop. Considering that the product needs to cover various channels, the public recognition and dissemination of the brand are very important. Visdom extracts a broad-spectrum M symbol for the Big Monster, combined it with the Big Monster brand name, forming a unique shape and places it on the upper part of the package. , which can be seen at a glance on the shelf, fully attracting young people, and the lower part of the packaging uses real and dynamic pictures of the stripes combined with site props to express the authentic taste of the product while fully stimulating consumers' desire to buy in bulk.




Client: Zhu Lao Da

Time: 2023

Team: Rock、Gavin、 Tomato